Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Voice Thread

Voice thread is something that I found to be fun and useful in the classroom.  Students can be able to create their own "voice thread" and present information to the class, or the students can also make comments on each others work.  The voice threads provide higher level thinking skills in classroom by encouraging the students to questions and analyze their own thread, or observe, question, or analyze others student's voice threads.  Critiquing voice threads could be another example of HOTS.  Students are critiquing each others works as well as their own, in order to provide positive feedback and help their peers improve.


I believe that Google Docs can be very beneficial in the classroom.  Students are able to share strategies, comments, or other interactive/cooperative learning teaching method.  Google Docs allow students to link favored websites to you email or save it in you Google Doc. this way their note taking and editing can be saved and will always be found.  Google Doc is interesting for me because students have the opportunity to message or post random comments on the the actual Google Doc.  A Teacher can ask a question or give a topic for the students to comment on.  He or she can give their students like a few minutes to think about the topic and comment on  it on the Google Doc, and then they can go back to the comments and discuss them.  Google Docs. gives a lot of flexibility and freedom for students to express their thoughts and feelings in different ways.


Blogging is already implementing higher order thinking skills alone, if it is not familiar with it.  Encouraging students to have the freedom to get familiar with the website by simply exploring.  Exploring and not being scared to screw up is learning, or using HOST in the classroom.  In third grade, I could ask the students to blog on the topic of Martin Luther King, or post random sentences that need to be edited by another peer.  This is giving the students the opportunity to learn from each other.